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Text File
200 lines
EPSTAR is a program which allows you to set most EPSON FX-80,100 etc series
options from simple menu-screens.
There are also functions which permit the printing of text files which may
contain imbedded option-setting commands. Such files may have been created
EPSTAR displays first MENU #1. Enter "2" to display MENU #2.
Enter "F" for File Loading and Printing Menu.
Enter "Q" or "X" to Quit or eXit program.
All options are specified by the entry of a letter followed by a number.
Letters may be upper or lower-case.
Letter and number need not be seperated by a blank.
These options are listed below and explained where not obvious from the menus.
Character-Width. (C, or W as alternate)
Line-spacing. (L)
(vertical lines per inch, does not effect height of characters).
Darkness of printed type. (D)
Darkness of 3 or 5 is not compatible for EPSON with Character-width
of 17,12 or 9. In such cases, EPSTAR adjusts Darkness to 2 and
sends warning message.
Slanted printing (Italics). (S)
Underlined Printing. (U)
Underlines all printing when ON, including blanks.
Teeny printing. (T) \t1\
Teeny printing. (T)
Teeny printing. (T) \t0\
(this is actually an interesting use of the EPSON Subscript
mode. Besides setting this mode which causes half-height \t0\
characters to be printed in the top half of the line, we
automatically adjust Line-spacing (6/72, half of normal),
and Character-with (C17) to make VERY small printing.
Line-spacing and Character-width may be readjusted after entering
Teeny-mode. (It may be necessary to set "T1" on line BEFORE the Teeny
printing starts to give proper line-spacing.)
Upon leaving Teeny-mode, Line-spacing and Character-width are reset
to what they were when Teeny-mode was entered.
"T1" may be used for actual subscripting as in H\t1\2\t0\0.
An additional "T2" is provided for actual superscripting as in PiR\t2\2\t0\.
Note: EPSON insists upon going into double-strike mode when super- or
sub-scripting. (EPSTAR calls double-strike "Darkness of 2".)
Visible. (V)
V1: each print-style option change causes a sample-line to be printed.
V2: allows you to specify your own sample-line for V1 printing.
V3: each line entered is printed immediately. These lines may
contain imbedded back-slash commands as in files for printing.
This is handy for fine adjustments for spacing labels, etc...
you can set Lines to a small spacing value via Menu, then "V3".
Each line of (space, return) prints nothing but advances the
platen by one (small) line. (Return) only quits "V3".
Initialize. (I)
Avoid using in files except at end of lines as it clears EPSON buffer.
Do not use if there is no paper in the printer as the EPSON initialize
code sets ALARM to ON. Even though EPSTAR immediately resets ALARM
to OFF, the printer will start beeping and you will get a printer
End-of-paper Alarm (A). Our default is "OFF".
fOrms-length. (O)
May be set in inches or number of lines. Actual setting for EPSON is
in inches and remains even if Line-spacing is changed.
Form-feed (page Eject). (E) (Number after "E" is lines to skip after feed.)
Skip over fold at page-end. (K) (# is how many lines to skip, 0 resets.)
Print a file. (P) Any length text file.
WORDSTAR files may not be printed this way unless "cleaned" first.
Files may contain embedded EPSTAR commands. (See PRINTING FILES).
"P" may be followed by a number which is number characters to shift
text right. "P" does not load the file into memory, so there is no
limit to the length of the file printed as with File-Printing Menu.
To have EPSTAR print embedded commands instead of acting upon them,
enter (right-shift) as a negative number.
Bit-mode printing. (B) (# is how many times (1-960) to print the "bit-mode
character". Bottom print-dot is the ones-bit, top print-dot is the
hi-order (8th) bit of the "bit-mode character".
In the double-density bitmode used, 120 dots per inch are placed.
960 dots (bitmode chars) make a full sweep of an 80 character
printer. If Epson printer is sent successive groups of 960 dots,
line-spacing seems to be properly handled so that the bottom dot
in a line is just above the top dot in the next line.
Set bit-mode character. (Y) (Y=)
If command is "Y90" character is set to ASCII 90 (0-255 allowed).
If command is "Y=00001010" (for example) dot wires 2 and 4 are set...
(i.e. character is entered directly in binary. Leading zeroes
are optional, the "=" indicates binary.)
Binary form is only allowed with embedded (using back-slashes) commands.
This can be very slow in printing. See note below for faster method.
NOTE for bit-mode: if bit-mode character is set to -1 (not a character),
the character is not printed. What happens instead is that the number
of characters specified (# after the "B") will be used from text in your
file which immediately follows the "B#" command. These characters may
include LF/CRs.
If you intend to use this you may have a problem because the hi-order
bits are stripped off when printing/loading files to be compatible with
WORDSTAR source files. There is an option not on the menus to suppress
turning off of these hi-order bits: it is "H0" to suppress, "H1" to not
suppress, initial value is "H1". If you load/print a file with "Y-1"
graphics without suppressing the hi-bit stripping, your top print dot
will never fire in any such graphics you may want to generate.
FILE PRINTING MENU - (many more features than "P" option on Menu #2)
(ENTER "F" AT MAIN MENU for File-Printing/Loading Menu).
Files of up to 100 lines may be printed.
EPSTAR option-setting commands may be contained in such a file.
Maximum characters per line is 140 (counting commands).
Files may be printed multiple times without re-reading, as when
producing many copies of a label etc.
Specified parts of a file may be printed via line ranges entered at the
file-printing Menu. (Be careful when you do this as your option-setting
may be obscure if you jump into your file in the middle. If you seem to
have some error, either print the whole file, or Initialize printer first
from Main Menu.)
Files to be printed may be any WORDSTAR file. Such files are converted to
normal format before printing. The only limitation is that no WORDSTAR
PARAGRAPH may contain more than 2550 characters (generally about 42 lines).
Text may be indented via this Menu.
Be careful as indenting is in CURRENT character-size.
The text in printed file may have imbedded in it the same characters which
may be entered at the main menu to change Epson options. It is only
neccessary to bracket them with BACK-SLASH "\\" characters so they
will not be mistaken for text to be printed. Blanks may be freely inter-
mixed within commands to aid in lining-up text etc as shown below. (Back-
slashes and commands will not be visible if this document was printed
via EPSTAR.)
\c12\This line prints at 12 characters per inch.\c10\
\ \A word in this line prints at \d5\darkness\d1\ of 5.
\ d2\This line prints at darkness of 2 and \s1\part of it is in italics.\S0\
(You may print this document with EPSTAR to see the above examples.)
To have EPSTAR print embedded commands instead of acting upon them, enter
("number of times to print") as a negative number.
In the case of embedded commands only, non-EPSTAR control characters may be
specified directly in ASCII by using "Z" (or "z") as the command character.
These commands generate ESC M: \z27z77\ (Elite type, 12/inch on Epson).
The entire command must be expressed in the "Z" mode and must appear
within a single set of back-slashes (\\).
Robert Jules Siegel
401 Fourth Street
Park Slope, NY 11215\t0\
401 Fourth Street